Sugar Free Italian Sweet Cream Recipe

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Sugar Free Italian Sweet Cream Recipe

Create a storytelling style description of at least 300 words about the recipe Sugar Free Italian Sweet Cream Recipe.


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup xylitol or erythritol
  • 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
  • 4 large egg yolks


  1. In a saucepan, combine the heavy cream, milk, xylitol or erythritol, and vanilla bean.
  2. Heat the mixture over medium heat until it reaches a gentle simmer. Remove from heat.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks until smooth.
  4. Slowly pour the hot cream mixture into the egg yolks, whisking continuously.
  5. Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens and coats the back of a spoon.
  6. Remove from heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  7. Once cooled, pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  8. Transfer the churned sweet cream to an airtight container and freeze for at least 4 hours or until firm.
  9. Serve the Sugar Free Italian Sweet Cream in bowls or cones, and enjoy!

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

Nutritional Information: Calories per serving – 220 | Fat – 20g | Carbohydrates – 4g | Protein – 6g

Make a story conclusion of at least 300 words about the recipe Sugar Free Italian Sweet Cream Recipe.