Blue Bell Ice Cream Recipe

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Blue Bell Ice Cream Recipe

Indulge in the creamy goodness of homemade Blue Bell Ice Cream with this easy recipe. Made with simple ingredients, this American classic is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Perfect for summertime or any time you crave a cool and refreshing treat.


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup Blue Bell Ice Cream Mix (available online or at select stores)


  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the heavy cream, whole milk, and granulated sugar. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture reaches a gentle simmer.
  2. Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the vanilla extract and salt.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk the Blue Bell Ice Cream Mix until smooth.
  4. Slowly pour the ice cream mix into the saucepan while continuously whisking. Make sure the mixture is well combined.
  5. Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Once the ice cream reaches a soft-serve consistency, transfer it to a lidded container and freeze for at least 4 hours to firm up.

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 4 hours

Yield: 6 servings

Make your own version of the beloved Blue Bell Ice Cream with this simple recipe. The creamy texture and rich vanilla flavor will transport you to ice cream heaven. Serve it in a bowl, cone, or use it as a base for indulgent ice cream sundaes.

Nutrition information per serving: Calories – 300, Fat – 20g, Carbohydrates – 30g, Protein – 4g.

Indulge yourself and your loved ones with a taste of nostalgia. This Blue Bell Ice Cream recipe brings back memories of hot summer days and the joy of enjoying a cold treat with friends. The combination of heavy cream, whole milk, and a touch of sweetness creates a velvety base for the ice cream. The Blue Bell Ice Cream Mix adds that signature Blue Bell flavor that has captivated ice cream lovers for years.

To start, heat the heavy cream, whole milk, and granulated sugar in a saucepan until it simmers gently. This step ensures that the sugar dissolves and the flavors meld together. The addition of vanilla extract and salt enhances the taste profile, giving the ice cream a well-rounded flavor.

Next, whisk the Blue Bell Ice Cream Mix until smooth. This mix, which is available for purchase online or at select stores, is the secret ingredient that perfectly captures the essence of Blue Bell Ice Cream. Slowly pour it into the saucepan while whisking continuously. This step ensures that the mix is evenly distributed throughout the ice cream base.

Now it’s time to bring out the ice cream maker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to churn the ice cream to the desired consistency. The ice cream will transform from a liquid to a creamy, frozen treat right before your eyes. Be patient, as this process will take some time.

Once the ice cream reaches a soft-serve consistency, transfer it to a lidded container and place it in the freezer. Allow it to freeze for at least 4 hours, or until it reaches the desired firmness. The waiting can be hard when the aroma of freshly made ice cream fills your kitchen, but the end result will be worth it.

Serve your homemade Blue Bell Ice Cream in bowls, cones, or use it as a base for delightful sundaes. Add your favorite toppings, such as chocolate sauce, sprinkles, or crushed cookies, to elevate the experience even further. Share this delightful treat with friends and family, and watch their faces light up with every spoonful.

Enjoy the nostalgic taste of Blue Bell Ice Cream with this homemade recipe. Capture the essence of summer and create new memories with every bite. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or simply indulging in a sweet treat after a long day, this Blue Bell Ice Cream recipe is sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more.