Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker Vanilla Recipe

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Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker Vanilla Recipe

Indulge in the creamy and nostalgic flavors of homemade vanilla ice cream made with the Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker. This recipe will transport you back to the simple joy of childhood summers, where the sweet aroma of freshly churned ice cream filled the air.

Creating your own ice cream allows you to control the quality of ingredients and tailor the flavors to your liking. With just a handful of simple ingredients, you can whip up a batch of deliciously smooth and rich vanilla ice cream in no time.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt


  1. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, whole milk, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and salt until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  2. Pour the mixture into the Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker’s freezer canister and assemble the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Let the ice cream maker churn the mixture for about 20-25 minutes, or until the ice cream reaches a soft-serve consistency.
  4. Transfer the churned ice cream to an airtight container and freeze for at least 4 hours to firm up.
  5. Serve the homemade vanilla ice cream in bowls or cones, and enjoy the nostalgia-inducing flavors of this classic treat.

Yield: 6 servings

Indulge in the creamy and nostalgic flavors of homemade vanilla ice cream made with the Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker. This delicious dessert takes just a few minutes to prepare and churn to perfection. With its rich and creamy texture, every spoonful will transport you back to happy childhood memories. Whether you enjoy it on its own, with a drizzle of chocolate sauce, or as the perfect accompaniment to warm fruit pie, this Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker Vanilla Recipe will never fail to delight.

Nutrition information: (per serving) Calories: 280 | Total Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Cholesterol: 70mg | Sodium: 45mg | Total Carbohydrate: 23g | Sugars: 21g | Protein: 2g

In conclusion, making homemade vanilla ice cream with the Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker is a delightful experience that brings back fond memories of summers gone by. The simplicity of the recipe allows you to focus on the pure enjoyment of creating a delectable treat for yourself and your loved ones. So, grab your ice cream maker, gather the ingredients, and embark on a sweet journey that will surely create new memories to cherish for years to come. Savor the creamy and dreamy flavors of this Nostalgia Ice Cream Maker Vanilla Recipe and let it transport you to a place of pure bliss.