Ninja Blender Ice Cream Recipe

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Ninja Blender Ice Cream Recipe

Are you craving a delicious and refreshing homemade ice cream? Look no further! With this Ninja Blender Ice Cream Recipe, you can easily whip up a creamy and flavorful treat right in your own kitchen. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue or simply indulging in a sweet dessert, this recipe is sure to satisfy your cravings.


  • 2 cups of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • Your favorite mix-ins (such as chocolate chips, crushed cookies, or fruit)


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the heavy cream and whole milk.
  2. Add the granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and pinch of salt. Stir well until the sugar is dissolved.
  3. Pour the mixture into your Ninja blender and blend on medium speed for about 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and slightly thickened.
  4. Add your favorite mix-ins to the blender and pulse a few times to combine. Be creative and add any flavors you love!
  5. Pour the ice cream mixture into a freezer-safe container and cover with a lid or plastic wrap.
  6. Place the container in the freezer and let it freeze for at least 4 hours, or until firm.
  7. Once the ice cream is fully frozen, scoop it into bowls or cones and enjoy!

Prep time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

This Ninja Blender Ice Cream Recipe is incredibly easy to make and requires no complicated ice cream maker. The result is a smooth and creamy dessert that will impress your family and friends.

Nutrition information: Calories per serving: 320, Fat: 24g, Carbohydrates: 23g, Protein: 3g

Creating your own homemade ice cream has never been this quick and effortless. The Ninja blender ensures a smooth and consistent texture, while the mix-ins add a burst of flavor and variety. You can try different combinations like chocolate chips and almonds, crushed cookies and caramel sauce, or fresh fruits and nuts. The possibilities are endless!

Whether you’re hosting a summer party or simply craving a sweet treat, this Ninja Blender Ice Cream Recipe is a guaranteed hit. The creamy and rich texture, combined with your favorite mix-ins, will have everyone coming back for seconds. So go ahead, grab your Ninja blender, and indulge in a delicious bowl of homemade ice cream.